Male patient treated following worksite accident

ACT Ambulance Service intensive care paramedics are on scene at Canberra House, Marcus Clarke Street, City following a worksite accident. A 36-year-old male patient has...

22 calls for help following wet weather

The ACT State Emergency Service (ACTSES) has received a total of 22 calls for help since 2pm following the wet weather. ACTSES and ACT Fire & Rescue are responding...

12 calls for help from wet weather

The ACT State Emergency Service (ACTSES) has received a total of 12 calls for help since 2 o'clock today following the wet weather. ACTSES and ACT Fire & Rescue are...

Seven calls for help from wet weather

The ACT SES has received a total of seven calls for help since 2pm following the wet weather. Calls for help have been for leaking roofs as well as damaged branches from...

Severe Thunderstorm Warning issued for the ACT

The Bureau of Meteorology has issued a Severe Thunderstorm Warning for the ACT with damaging winds and the potential for large hail this afternoon. The ACT State...