Incident Updates

Incident updates are currently unavailable. Please check back later.

The Live Incidents Map is a free tool we’ve made available to provide a visual overview of active incidents ESA services are responding to.

Incident Updates provide you with updates on incidents impacting the community, and ESA News shares the general happenings within the ESA.


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The Live Incidents Map is a free tool we’ve made available to provide a visual overview of active incidents ESA services are responding to.

Incident Updates provide you with updates on incidents impacting the community, and ESA News shares the general happenings within the ESA.

Motor Vehicle Incident - Majura

There has been a motor vehicle incident on Fairbairn Avenue in Majura between Truscott Street and Northcott Drive. Traffic is congested with the eastbound lane on...
Smoke Alarms
Smoke Alarms - website
Ambulance fees and charges
Graphic containing an ambulance with rear doors open and icon with the word fees below it
Be Storm Ready
Be Storm Ready
Be Flood Ready
Be flood ready
Emergency Services

Delivering trusted care to our community.


A capable team responding to hazards and emergencies in our community.


Collaborating to protect the community from bush fires.


Volunteering to support our community in good times and emergencies.