4:35 pm Wed 5 Feb 2020 - Update on the State of Alert in rural ACT and the fire situation
7:10pm - Tuesday 4 Feb 2020 - Update on the State of Alert in rural ACT and the fire situation
9:45pm Monday 3 Feb 2020 Update on the State of Alert in rural ACT and the fire situation.
5:20pm Mon 3 Feb 20202 - Update on the State Of Alert for rural ACT and the fire situation

Update on the State of Alert in the ACT - ESA Media Conference - 2:15pm 30 January 2020

Update on the State of Alert in the ACT - ESA Media Conference - 2:15pm 29 January 2020

Update on the Orroral Valley Fire - ESA Media Conference - 9am 29 January 2020

Update on the State of Alert in the ACT - ESA Media Conference - 9:30pm 28 January 2020
ESA media conference - 9:30pm Tuesday 28 January 2020 from ACT Emergency Services Agency on Vimeo.

Update on the State of Alert in the ACT - ESA Media Conference - 5:35pm 28 January 2020
ESA Media Conference - 2pm on Tuesday 28 January 2020

Update on the State of Alert in the ACT - ESA Media Conference - 2pm 28 January 2020
ESA Media Conference - 2pm on Tuesday 28 January 2020

Update on the State of Alert in the ACT - ESA Media Conference - 5:15pm 27 January 2020

The ACT Emergency Services Agency (ESA) reminds the community that a Territory-wide State of Alert has been reinstated. The decision follows advice regarding current bushfire conditions.
The State of Alert will remain in place over the weekend and further changes to the State of Alert will be provided by the ACT Government if required.
Canberrans are reminded that this a signal to the community to be prepared for extreme conditions. Please be alert, but not alarmed.
The Beard fire has been downgraded to ADVICE warning level. This fire burned approximately 424 hectares and was the result of the Kallaroo Road and the Pialligo fires merging yesterday.
Crews are continuing to patrol the fire ground to manage any hotspots and will remain there overnight.
Calmer weather conditions have been welcomed today, however the Bureau of Meteorology has predicted conditions to heat up from Sunday onwards. Total Fire Ban precautions may be considered for early next week.
Yesterday's events are an important reminder for Canberrans have a Bushfire Survival Plan in place. In addition, they should consider completing an Emergency Grab and Go Booklet which can support evacuation. Both these plans are available on the ESA website.
Keep updated via the ACT Emergency Services website, social media channels and through our local media outlets.

Update on the State of Alert in the ACT - ESA Media Conference - 2:00pm 24 January 2020
Update on the State of Alert in the ACT - 6:30pm 23 January 2020
Update on the State of Alert in the ACT - 3:45pm 23 January 2020

Update on the State of Alert and the clean up work following the recent storm event. - 22 January 2020
From fires to storm and flood:
Our agency is responsive, flexible and robust.
ESA has seamlessly transitioned from fighting fires to resolving incidents involving damage from severe storms.
As weather conditions change, we would like to remind ACT residents of the current State of Alert situation.
The State of Alert applies only to the shaded area on the map – remote and rural areas of the territory, including our communities in Tharwa and Uriarra Village.
If you live in the suburbs of Canberra, you are NOT in a State of Alert.
We ask residents to continue to stay up-to-date, in case the situation changes.
As Commissioner Whelan has stated “We still have several weeks of firefighting weather ahead of us…As a consequence of that, I will not hesitate to recommend changes to the current State of Alert should it be in the best interest of the safety of our community.”
Revised geographic boundary for application of State of Alert

Today Minister for Police and Emergency Services Mick Gentleman announced the State of Alert has been amended to only apply to rural and remote areas of the ACT including Tharwa and Uriarra Village.
This is due to improvements in weather conditions in the region - including the recent rainfall - and the significant achievements to date of the Emergency Services Agency to protect the Canberra community from the threat of bushfire.
This means the current State of Alert will no longer apply to urban and residential areas of the ACT. Residents in our rural and remote locations will need to remain alert and prepared for the threat of bushfire crossing our borders.
Community meetings in Tharwa and Uriarra Village will be organised in the coming days to provide an update on the current situation.
For all updates in relation to the State of Alert, please visit the ESA website at esa.act.gov.au or follow ACT ESA on Facebook and Twitter.
Update on the State of Alert in the ACT - 9:00am 20 January 2020
Update on the State of Alert in the ACT - 3:45pm 17 January 2020
The ACT Emergency Services Agency (ESA) advises the community that there are currently no fires burning in the ACT.
Our Incident Management Teams and aerial intelligence continue to closely monitor fire activity in surrounding NSW, including the Mary’s Hill Fire, Adaminaby Complex Fire and Dunns Road Fire.
ACT crews are also assisting NSW to strengthen containment lines at the Mary’s Hill Fire and Adaminaby Complex Fire as current weather conditions are impacting the fire ground.
The latest information on the NSW fires to the south and west of the ACT can be found here.
The Bureau of Meteorology has issued a cell based weather warning and road weather alert for Canberra.
While the rainfall is welcomed, the ACT’s Firebird 100 will monitor lightning strikes that may occur from storm activity across the region.
Along with Bushfire Survival Plans, we urge Canberrans to be storm ready and know that simple steps in bushfire preparedness can also prepare home for storms.
This includes clearing gutters, trimming loose branches and securing loose items around the home. Information on how to prepare your home for a storm is available here.
For assistance during a storm or flood, call ACTSES on 132 500. In a life-threatening emergency call Emergency Triple Zero (000).
Continue to monitor the ESA website, social media accounts and local media channels for the latest information.
The ACT Emergency Services Agency (ESA) advises the community that there are currently no fires burning in the ACT.
The Bureau of Meteorology predict changing conditions over the coming days that could see rainfall and potential storm activity, including lightning.
Our Incident Management and aerial intelligence teams are continuing to monitor these changing weather conditions and fire activity including any new ignitions and fire activity in surrounding NSW.
We are also continuing to support NSW on the ground and in the air water-bombing and aerial surveillance at the Mary’s Hill and Adaminaby Complex fires.
Latest information on the NSW fires to the south and west of the ACT can be found here.
Stay up to date with fires in NSW via the NSW Fires Near Me App and www.rfs.nsw.gov.au
Along with their Bushfire Survival Plans, Canberrans are being encouraged to prepare their homes for potential storm activity. Information is available here to help prepare your home for the storm season.
Continue to monitor the ESA website, social media accounts and local media channels for the latest information.
Update on the State of Alert in the ACT - Wednesday 15 Jan 2020

The ACT Emergency Services Agency (ESA) advises the community that the fires in surrounding NSW are currently not impacting the ACT.
There are predicted changes in weather over the coming days that could see rainfall and potential storm activity, including strong winds.
Our Incident Management Team and aerial intelligence continue to monitor these changing weather conditions and fire activity. We are also continuing to support NSW on the ground and in the air with firefighting efforts.
ESA will provide information to the community as the situation changes.
There is currently no threat to Canberra homes.
As part of their Bushfire Survival Plans, many Canberrans have been preparing their homes and with upcoming potential storm activity, this preparation is important. Storms are common in the ACT during this time of year and preparation is crucial to reduce the loss and damages associated with them. Information is available here to help prepare your home for a storm.
Keep up to date by monitoring the ESA website, social media accounts and local media channels.
Latest information on the NSW fires to the south and west of the ACT can be found here.
Dickson Relief Centre operating hours have been updated from 9:00am to 7:00pm daily from tomorrow (Wednesday 15 January) and will operate 7 days a week until further notice.

The ACT Emergency Services Agency (ESA) advises the community that the fires in surrounding NSW are currently not impacting the ACT.
Favourable weather conditions have seen little change across the NSW fire ground surrounding the ACT, and have allowed ACT crews to assist NSW to strengthen containment lines.
Our Incident Management Team and aerial intelligence continue to monitor conditions and fire activity.
ESA will provide information to the community as the situation changes.
There is currently no threat to Canberra homes.
As many Canberrans go back to work, it’s important to revise your Bushfire Survival Plan and consider how your plan might need to change.
Keep up to date by monitoring the ESA website, social media accounts and local media channels.
Latest information on the fires to the south and west of the ACT can be found here:
Update on the State of Alert in the ACT - Monday 13 Jan 2020
The ACT Emergency Services Agency (ESA) advises the community that the fires in surrounding NSW are currently not impacting the ACT. The state of alert will continue while conditions remain the same and nearby fires are burning.
Fire activity has slowed due to the cool change, but our Incident Management Team continues to monitor conditions and will provide information to the community as the situation changes.
There is currently no threat to Canberra homes.
Latest information on the fires to the south and west of the ACT can be found here: https://esa.act.gov.au/information-update-marys-hill-fire-nsw.
250 people attended the Uriarra and Tharwa community meetings over the weekend. A key issue raised during the community meetings was forced evacuations and road closures. More information on this and the meetings can be found here: https://esa.act.gov.au/community-meetings.
Despite the cooler conditions, and the possibility of rain later in the week, continue to monitor the ESA website, social media accounts and local media channels.
Update on the State of Alert in the ACT - 4:00pm 12 January 2020
The ACT Emergency Services Agency (ESA) advises the community that the fires in surrounding NSW are currently not impacting the ACT. The state of alert has been extended and will continue while conditions remain the same and nearby fires are burning.
Our Incident Management Team, helicopters and crews on the ground remain vigilant and on high alert. There is currently no threat to Canberra homes. Latest information on the fires to the south and west of the ACT can be found here: https://esa.act.gov.au/information-update-marys-hill-fire-nsw.
With easing conditions, the ESA will continue with its containment strategies over the coming days. The weather has provided opportunities to strengthen containment lines however, despite the easing conditions we remain in deep planning and constantly vigilant. The ACT ESA have identified critical infrastructure and have ensured that these vital assets have a buffer zone should fires spread. We have visited our communication assets, water assets and the trunk road network and ensured there are buffer zones in place. More information can be found on the ESA Facebook page. Canberrans will continue to see increased activity in the skies during the next few days with Canberra Airport being a hub for aerial firefighting. Activity will include aircraft re-fuelling, water-bombing and surveillance activities in the region.
A community meeting to assist with information and preparedness was held in Tharwa this morning and a meeting will be held tomorrow morning at 11am in Uriarra. Residents and landholders in these areas are strongly encouraged to attend for up to date information on the current ACT State of Alert and bushfire conditions.
Despite easing conditions, please stay alert and prepared. Canberrans should continue reviewing their Bushfire Survival Plan and also complete a 'Grab and Go' plan. If you don't have a plan, download and complete one today via the ESA website.
Update on the State of Alert in the ACT - January 11, 2020

The ACT Emergency Services Agency (ESA) advises the community that the fires in surrounding NSW are currently not impacting the ACT. Our Incident Management Team, helicopters and crews on the ground remain vigilant and on high alert. There is currently no threat to Canberra homes.
Surveillance of these fires is ongoing and aerial surveillance will continue to midnight tonight (10 January) and recommence at 06.00 on 11 January.
The ESA has made contact with rural landholders in Canberra's south to understand their intentions and ensure they are well prepared should the fire cross the border.
Latest information on the fires to the west of the ACT: https://esa.act.gov.au/fires-west-act.
We are holding two community meetings this weekend - one in Tharwa and one in Uriarra. Residents and landholders in these area are strongly encouraged to attend for up to date information on the current ACT State of Alert and bushfire conditions: https://esa.act.gov.au/community-meetings.
We continue to do everything we can to support NSW Rural Fire Service with these fires. Canberrans may also see increased helicopter activity in the skies during the next few days as Canberra Airport is a hub for aerial firefighting. Ongoing activity is expected with aircraft re-fuelling and undertaking water-bombing and surveillance activities in the region.
On the worst bushfire day, our firefighters can't protect every home. We need you to be prepared too. Canberrans should review their Bushfire Survival Plan and also complete a 'Grab and Go' plan. If you don't have a plan, download and complete one today at esa.act.gov.au.
ESA Media Conference - Friday 10 January 2020
ESA Media Conference - Thursday 9 January 2020

The ACT Emergency Services Agency (ESA) advises the community that there are a number of fires in surrounding NSW that may impact the ACT. ESA continues to closely monitor the Dunn's Road fire, the Adaminaby Complex fire and the Atkinsons fire. Our Incident Management Team, helicopters and crews on the ground remain vigilant and on high alert. Together, we have the ability to predict fire behaviour and map lightning strikes after they occur. This allows us to remain alert, not alarmed. It also enables us to inform you at the earliest stage of fire activity in Canberra and surrounding NSW that may impact the ACT. We are prepared to respond to each and every incident that may occur. We are also doing everything we can to support NSW Rural Fire Service with the fires burning close to the ACT border. On the worst bushfire day, our firefighters can't protect every home. We need you to be prepared too. Now is the time to review your Bushfire Survival Plan. If you don't have a plan, download and complete one today at esa.act.gov.au. It's just four simple steps and it could save your life.
Video Update - Q&A
ESA Media Conference - Monday 6 January 2020
ESA Media Conference - Sunday 5 January 2020
The ACT Emergency Services Agency (ESA) advises the community that there has been little change on the NSW fireground, near the ACT border. The spot fires burning near the southern ACT border, close to the remote area of the Namadgi National Park have not crossed into the ACT. The ACT is well resourced and is on high alert to respond to a bush or grass fire in the Territory. Today ACT firefighters will partner with NSW firefighters to supress the fires burning to the south west of the ACT. ESA will inform the community if the situation changes over the next 24 hours. Information and alerts will be provided via the ESA website (esa.act.gov.au), NSW Fires Near Me app, ESA social media channels and local media outlets.

The ACT Emergency Services Agency (ESA) advises the community that there are spot fires approximately 4km from the southern ACT border near the remote area of the Namadgi National Park. There is currently no threat to homes within the ACT from this fire activity. ESA will continue to monitor the current situation in NSW. This announcement provides very early notice to the rural land holders within the remote areas of the Namadgi National Park. The nearest rural residential property is 25km from the current fire activity. Firefighters are currently on scene preparing to protect historical assets if required. Naas Road from the Namadgi Visitor Centre is closed southbound until further notice. Access will be provided to residents and emergency vehicles. Thick smoke from the NSW south coast bushfires is predicted to impact Canberra from 8pm tonight. ESA will inform the community if the situation changes over the next 24 hours. Information and alerts will be provided via the ESA website (esa.act.gov.au), NSW Fires Near Me app, ESA social media channels and local media outlets.
ESA Media Conference - Saturday 4 January 2020
Do you know what you'll do if you're impacted by a bushfire? ACT State Emergency Service will be out in the community again today helping you to prepare your bushfire plan. You'll find them at the following locations from 10 am - 4 pm: o Westfield Belconnen o Westfield Woden o South Point Tuggeranong o Cooleman Court Shopping Centre More locations may be added throughout the day. We'll update the community as this happens via our website and social media channels.
ESA Media Conference - Friday 3 January 2020
A State of Alert has been declared for the ACT, with ACT Emergency Services Commissioner Georgeina Whelan as the Emergency Controller. The State of Alert is about preparedness. There is no immediate threat to the Territory and there are currently no grass or bush fires in the ACT. As a community we must all be prepared ahead of more extreme weather conditions that are forecast for the ACT and our surrounding region in the coming days. The State of Alert that has been put in place will ensure our emergency services are able to be as responsive as possible to any risks of bushfire in the coming days. For all updates in relation to the State of Alert, please visit the ESA website at esa.act.gov.au or follow ACT ESA on Facebook and Twitter
Acting Chief Minister Yvette Berry, Minister for Police and Emergency Services Mick Gentleman and ESA Commissioner Georgeina Whelan held a press conference at 3:30pm this afternoon to discuss the current bushfire situation for the ACT and the need for the community to the prepared.
There are currently no bush or grass fires in the ACT.