Hey Canberra! We hope you had an enjoyable extra-long weekend taking in some pretty fantastic weather.
Unfortunately all good things must come to an end. The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) predicts we are likely to see wet weather and the chance of thunderstorms across the ACT from this afternoon. We are forecast to see around 20mm of rain, and the potential for damaging winds. The weather band should pass by around midnight. Keep an eye on www.bom.gov.au for weather updates and warnings.
During an emergency, the ACT State Emergency Service (ACTSES) will make temporary repairs and ensure the area is safe. This includes tarping roofs and making fallen trees safe on private land.
For assistance during storms and floods, call the ACTSES on 132 500.
In a life-threatening emergency call Triple Zero (000).
Visit www.esa.act.gov.au for information on how to prepare your home for heavy rain.