At 10:45pm last night (Wednesday 29 January 2020) a report of a fallen tree onto a NSW Rural Fire Service (NSWRFS) Tanker, working on the Orroral Valley Fire was received.

The ACT Emergency Services Agency (ESA) can confirm that there were four NSW RFS Firefighters in the Tanker. All were assessed on site by an ACT Ambulance Service (ACTAS) 4WD unit that was staged in the Orroral Valley.

Three of the occupants have sustained non life-threatening injuries. The fourth occupant is uninjured.

All four patients have been transported by ambulance to the Canberra Hospital for further assessment and their families have been contacted.

All crews were withdrawn from the fire ground and have been debriefed. Peer support was dispatched to provide support to all personnel involved.

The safety and wellbeing of any crews on the fire ground is of the highest priority for the ESA.