Evacuation Centre Open

The evacuation centre at Erindale College remains open and is operating 24 hours a day while it is required.

The centre is open to all who need assistance, including our NSW neighbours. The function of the evacuation centre is to provide information, comfort and assistance.

The centre provides basic supplies, food and drinks. The evacuation centre is not a sleeping centre. However, help will be provided to assist people who may need accommodation or transport to other locations.

A wellbeing team is also on-site to provide counselling services.

The centre is disability accessible. If you are a person with additional needs, you should speak with the people who support you; either your service provider or your family and friends.

Pets are also welcome. People are encouraged to bring cages for their pets if possible, however cages are available. Domestic Animal Services are on-site.

One evacuation Centre has been set up at Erindale College, College at 115 McBryde Cres, Wanniassa. It will be open 24 hours.

The function of the evacuation centre is to provide information, comfort and assistance.

Community partners onsite supporting operations include:

  • Red Cross
  • Salvos
  • Vinnies
  • Communities at Work

The evacuation centre provides the following basic supplies;

  • Food supplies and drinks
  • Tissues, wipes, hand sanitiser

The evacuation centre is not a sleeping centre.

Help will be provided to assist people find accommodation or transport to other locations as needed.

Wellbeing team onsite to provide counselling.

Pets are also welcome, and the centre is disability accessible. People are encouraged to bring cages for their pets if possible, however cages are available. Domestic Animal Services is also on-site.

Defence force personnel are also located there to support us. As a result people who do go to the evacuation centre will see stretchers and tents.

An Evacuation Centre has been established at Erindale College for our rural residents.

If you require support or essential services and are looking for a friendly face in this stressful time, please head to the College at 115 McBryde Cres, Wanniassa ACT 2903.

Our community partners are on site to greet you, as are counsellors. Pets are also welcome, and the centre is disability accessible.

If you are heading to Erindale College, it may be a good idea to let someone know where you are going.

To keep up to date, please visit www.esa.act.gov.au.