Community Doorknock

Today, ACT Policing and Australian Defence Force personnel will be doorknocking homes within the Bushfire Prone Area of Bonython and Greenway.

This is not an evacuation activity. Personnel are talking to residents about having a Bushfire Survival Plan, and answering questions.

For the latest information about the Orroral Fire visit:

The ACT Emergency Services Agency (ESA) advises that community that doorknocking is taking place in the suburbs of Banks, Gordon and Conder this evening.

This is not an evacuation, the ESA has not issued an evacuation warning for these suburbs.

Personnel from ACT State Emergency Service (ACTSES), ACT Fire & Rescue Community Fire Units (CFUs), ACT Policing and Australian Defence Force (ADF) will be available to answer any questions and to help ensure residents have a Bushfire Survival Plan.

If you haven't already done so, download and complete your Bushfire Survival Plan now:

There will be an increased number of emergency services personnel and vehicles in the area for the coming days. All personnel will be in uniform and will have an I.D card with them at all times.