2330 Severe Thunderstorm Update

As of 11:30 PM the ACT State Emergency Service has received 436 requests for assistance following a severe thunderstorm impact in the ACT on 3 January 2021.

35 crews from the ACT State Emergency Service, ACT Fire & Rescue, ACT Rural Fire Service, and Transport Canberra & City Services have contributed to the storm response.

119 requests have been completed and 317 remain outstanding. Community assistance to priority incidents will continue overnight, with additional staff and volunteers joining operations on Tuesday morning.

The community is thanked for their patience as crews work through the high volume of calls. The clean up is expected to extend across the next couple of days, with the highest priority incidents being attended first.

For help during floods and storms, call the ACTSES on 132 500. In a life-threatening emergency call Triple Zero (000).