The ACT’s 2020 Bushfire Season will officially begin on 1 November 2020, a month later than usual.
The Australian Seasonal Bushfire Outlook, recently released by the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, predicts the 2020-21 Bushfire Season will be very different than the previous two, with wetter than average conditions expected through spring. As a result of the recent rain in August, and the expectation of further rainfall in spring with the current La Niña ALERT, it is anticipated that forest flammability will remain low over the coming months.
The ACT Emergency Services Agency (ESA) is working hard to ensure they are prepared for the upcoming bushfire season. More information on preparation activities will be available in the coming weeks.
Get Ready Weekend is 19 & 20 September 2020, and ACT ESA is encouraging Canberrans to take the time to ensure you, your family and your property are prepared for bushfire and storm. Stay tuned to ESA’s social media channels for tips on how to prepare, or visit www.esa.act.gov.au