Fire Safety

Fire Safety

Online Smartforms

ACTFR Building Approval Application Referral

The following form is to be used to refer Building Approval Applications to ACTF&R Fire Safety Section. This is a requirement of the ACT Building Regulation 2008, Schedule 2. All referrals must include a full set of relevant plans and documentation. This is required for all new buildings or new parts of buildings, Class 2-9 over 500m2 and/or Performance based design related to fire.

Open the Smartform - ACTFR Building Approval Application Referral

ACTF&R Building Inspection Request Form

The following form is to request a Building inspection from the ACTF&R Fire Safety Section at the completion of referred building works.

Upon completion of a successful inspection ACTF&R will issue a Fire Appliance Approval Certificate in accordance with section 35 of the Building Regulation, 2008 (ACT).

The inspection should be booked by or on-behalf of the certifier who referred the original building approval application to ACTF&R. If being booked by a third party on-behalf of the certifier, please ensure the certifier is made aware of the booking to allow them to attend if they wish.

ACTF&R requires the building to be complete at the time of the inspection. An inspection of an incomplete building does not allow for valid integrated end-to-end testing of all building elements and fire safety systems.

Open the Smartform - ACTF&R Building Inspection Request

ACTF&R Occupancy Loading/Inspection Request

This form is for requesting ACTF&R to inspect a property that requires a liquor licence for the purpose of providing an occupancy recommendation to the Commissioner for Fair Trading.

Open the Smartform - ACTF&R Occupancy Loading/Inspection Request

ACTF&R Critical Defect Reporting

The following form is to be utilised for direct notification to ACTF&R of Fire System Critical Defects.

ACTF&R Fire Safety Guideline FSG-05 (Maintenance of Fire Protection Systems and Equipment), requires building owners/representatives to be notified of Critical Defects in line with AS1851, with the additional requirement to directly notify/inform ACTF&R of such Defects/Issues/Non-Conformances.

In line with AS1851, ACTF&R consider Critical Defects to include defects that render a system (active and/or passive) or significant portion of a system inoperative.

Open the Smartform - ACTF&R Critical Defect Reporting


False alarm fees/waivers

Document Type Size
Automatic Fire Alarms - Fees and Charges .PDF 309 KB
Request for non payment of false alarm fee .PDF 165 KB
Unwanted False Alarms - Guide for building owners and managers .PDF 767 KB
AFA-False Alarm Charge Waiver Application Form .DOCX 174 KB
FSG - 23 AFA False Alarm Charges - Fee Waivers .PDF 1567 KB

Fire Safety Guidelines

The AFAC doctrine where listed below has been adopted by ACTF&R as Fire Safety Guidelines.

Document Type Size
FSG - 01 Open Air Fires .PDF 686 KB
FSG - 03 Fire Safety Principles for Massive Timber Building Systems .PDF 373 KB
FSG - 04 Access to FDCIE .PDF 1104 KB
FSG - 05 Maintenance of fire protection systems and equipment .PDF 1116 KB
FSG - 06  Fire Precautions During Construction .PDF 1147 KB
FSG - 09 Fire Safety Building Inspections .PDF 1078 KB
FSG - 11 Fire Safety Requirement for Automated Vehicle Parking Systems .PDF 2 MB
FSG - 13 Fire Severity Calculations .PDF 701 KB
FSG - 14 Fire Safety for Impulse (Jet) Fans in Car Parks .PDF 546 KB
FSG - 15 Third Party Certification - Sprinklers .PDF 945 KB
FSG - 22 Electric Vehicles (EV) and EV Charging Equipment in the Built Environment .PDF 300 KB
FSG - 23 AFA False Alarm Charges - Fee Waivers .PDF 1567 KB
FSG - 24 Sprinklers in Laundries .PDF 964 KB
FSG - 25 Fire Activated Bolts In Fire Rated Door Sets .PDF 757 KB

Fire Safety Systems

Fire Safety Systems A guide to maintaining fire appliances and equipment and penalties under the ACT Emergencies Act 2004, for interfering with fire safety systems.

Fire Safety Factsheets

Document Type Size
Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition (HFSC) Factsheet .PDF 1.35 MB

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